Information Universe – Part One
“The role of information technology is to enable this process by optimising or presenting the information to business “owners” for utilisation. The less business context specific technology is, the less it constitutes a true information universe.” – Hendrik Oppermann, Business Architect

Business Management Fundamentals
The concepts and fundamentals of information states that for information to effectively describe the complexity of a “system” and operate with maximal “efficiency”, it must be predictive. The philosophy of information asserts that knowledge and information belong to the same conceptual family and that neither are bound by any definition to technology.
In a “system” designed to record information about its environment, one can suggest that recorded events constitute data. Data logically grouped together becomes information. Information arranged in a certain context becomes knowledge, knowledge interpreted yields intelligence and intelligence applied correctly creates value, all within its specific “value” definition. This process is technologically sceptical and although technology serves as an excellent enabler, provided it does not overshadow the fundamental and conceptual aspects. Technology is a means to an end, not the end itself.
Intelligence acquired forms the basis of decision-making, which when applied becomes a decision. This process is synonymous with management. The absence or impairment of this intelligence renders the notion of management useless, helpless, or crippled.
In commercial enterprises, the “system” refers to commercial objects under management aimed at deriving positive outcomes for stakeholders. Constructing an information universe begins with understanding what needs to be managed and how best to manage it. The less clear this understanding, the less likely it is that the system can maximise predictiveness and thereby “efficiency.”

An information universe can only be defined and constructed by knowing what to manage and how to manage it. In different words, determining what decisions are needed and how those decisions are confirmed and implemented over time. It is not a warehouse of random information but is related to notions of management, decision-making, and decision confirmation. This materialises the complexity of business.
The role of information technology is to enable this process by optimising or presenting the information to business “owners” for utilisation. The less business context specific technology is, the less it constitutes a true information universe.
“Efficiency” as one word for effective & efficient
Commercial objects are assets, liabilities, revenue, expenses, and incomplete transitions
The system is the complexity of business management needed to execute on business objectives
The information universe describes the system’s complexity to operate at efficiency and predictiveness